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Scientific publications

My book Nutrition for Climbers: Fuel for the Send

What is a Nutritionist? in Outside Magazine.

Caffeine for Climbers in Gym Climber Magazine.

Is Light Weight the Right Weight? In Gym Climber Magazine.

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport: Unsent From Underfueling in Climbing Magazine.

The Whole30 Diet in Evening Sends.

My interview with Common Climber

Climbing Wall Association Creating Safe Spaces in Indoor Climbing Coaching

Mina Leslie-Wujastyk interviewing me on the Curious Climber podcast

Steven Dimmitt interviewing me on The Nugget Climbing podcast

Three articles published in Rock and Ice about what to eat before, during, and after climbing.

Click here to see my original research in the scientific journal, Frontiers in Nutrition, about adolescent climbers’ nutrition intake and risk for eating disorders.

Nutrition knowledge, weight loss practices, and supplement use in senior competition climbers

Click here to see my review on nutrition and physiology for Olympic-format rock climbing.

Original research on prevalence of amenorrhea in elite female climbers

What to eat for climbing competitions in Gym Climber Magazine.

What to eat for multi-day climbing competitions in Gym Climber Magazine.

Nutrition for high altitude for Backcountry Foodie.

Climbing diet and nutrition questions answered on the Epic Guidebooks blog.

Interview on climbing nutrition for the Italian blog Oliunìd.

Adventure Resumes

Climbing Magazine BCAAs for climbers

Climbing Magazine Do climbers need salt?

Climbing Magazine Vegetarian/vegan climbers

Climbing Magazine How much is too much sugar for climbers?

Climbing Magazine What to eat for all-day cragging

Climbing Magazine Does meat improve climbing performance?

Climbing Magazine Nutrition for increased power

Climbing Magazine Do climbing and alcohol mix?

Climbing Magazine Joint supplements for climbers

Climbing Magazine Do climbers need vitamins?

Climbing Magazine Antioxidants for climbers

Climbing Magazine 4 surprising facts about female training for climbing

Climbing Magazine Nutrition tips for climbers over 40

Climbing Magazine Why the keto diet will hurt your climbing

Climbing Magazine Do climbers need magnesium?

Climbing Magazine What Adam Ondra eats

Climbing Magazine Do Climbers Eat Enough?

Climbing Magazine How to stop cramps when climbing

Climbing Magazine Hot and cold therapy for climbers

Climbing Magazine What can you learn from the diets of Olympians?

Listen to me being interviewed on the TrainingBeta podcast about my research, eating disorders, and how to get help when you suspect disordered eating.

Listen to me on the TrainingBeta podcast talking with Neely Quinn about intuitive eating.

Listen to me being interviewed about climbers and eating disorders on the PHIT for a Queen podcast.

USA Climbing Women’s Summit: What every climber needs to know about fueling and eating disorders

The Endurance School vodcast on climbing, triathlon, and more.

Action30 podcast on diet myths, tips for healthy eating, and more.

International Olympic Committee’s Diploma in Sports Nutrition: Fueling for Olympic Competition Climbing

She Sends Collective: Climbers and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport & Eating Disorders

Boulder Climbing Community: Top Three Tips to Fuel Right and Crush Hard

McCallum Place Eating Disorders in Sport Conference: Rock Climbing: What you need to know about the Olympic’s newest sport

Club Sport Competitive Rock Climbing Teams: What to eat before, during, and after climbing

Curious Climber podcast on diet myths and intuitive eating

Mesa Rim Reno youth climbing team 2021 What to Eat to Crush Your Comp

USA Climbing Youth Climbing Festival Reno 2021, Eating disorders in climbing

USA Climbing coaches workshop: What coaches need to know about RED-S and eating disorders

International Sport and Exercise Nutrition Conference: New to the Games: Olympic Climbing

Sportrock Performance Institute Youth Climbing Team: What to eat to crush your training + comps

Un-sprained: A climbing injury podcast on RED-S and more!

USA Climbing: What every coach needs to know about eating disorders

Seattle Bouldering Project: Nutrition & Fueling for comps + training and how to spot disordered eating patterns

USA Climbing Youth Festival June 24 workshop: How parents can support their youth climber

Seattle Vertical World youth & parent climbing nutrition trainings

Climbing Wall Association: How to be a part of the solution to eating disorders in climbing

Reach Climbing: Parents and coaches training on REDs and disordered eating

Saudi Climbing & Hiking Federation: Fueling & hydration for training, comp climbing, REDs, travel, and Ramadan

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